title: "Devils Hole"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Devils Hole}
```{r, include = FALSE}
#> Save the user's options and parameters
oldpar = par()
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
message = FALSE,
eval = TRUE,
fig.path = "figures/devils_hole-",
fig.height = 4,
fig.width = 8,
dpi = 150,
out.width = "100%"
knitr::opts_knit$set(global.par = TRUE)
```{r, include = FALSE}
#> Set new parameters for this vignette.
par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(4.5, 4.5, 0.3, 0.3), bg = "white")
## Introduction
This vignette demonstrates the usage of `isogeochem` using a case study based on
[Bajnai et al. (2021)](https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL093257).
#### Background:
[Winograd et al. (2006)](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yqres.2006.06.003) acquired a *δ*18O time series from carbonates that precipitated underwater in the Devils Hole caves spanning the last ca. 570 thousand years. Now, we are interested in the variations in the *δ*18O value of the groundwater in this period. To reconstruct a groundwater *δ*18O time series from the carbonate *δ*18O values, we have to know the temperature of the groundwater. Therefore, we measured the clumped isotope values of ten calcite samples. First, we convert the measured *∆*47 values to carbonate growth temperatures. Then, using the mean of the clumped isotope temperatures, we convert the carbonate *δ*18O time series to a groundwater *δ*18O time series.
## Package setup
Download, install, and load the `isogeochem` package:
```{r, include = TRUE, message = FALSE, eval = TRUE}
if (!require("isogeochem")) install.packages("isogeochem")
## Load data
Data can be loaded into R in many ways. For example, to load data from an excel file you could use the `openxlsx` package. For this vignette, however, lets specify the measured *∆*47 values manually:
# D47(CDES90) values of Devils Hole carbonates
DH_D47 = c(0.573, 0.575, 0.572, 0.581, 0.575, 0.575, 0.570, 0.574, 0.568, 0.575)
DH_D47_err = c(0.003, 0.007, 0.003, 0.005, 0.006, 0.003, 0.005, 0.005, 0.007, 0.005)
DH_D47_age = c(10.70, 36.00, 90.35, 122.75, 180.45, 236.65, 295.15, 355.65, 380.05, 496.65)
There are datasets available in `isogeochem`, which can be used simply by typing their name. For example, the `devilshole` dataset includes the original *δ*18O composite time series from the Devils Hole caves.
DH_age = devilshole$age
DH_d18O_VSMOW = devilshole$d18O_VSMOW
DH_d18O_err = devilshole$d18O_error
## Carbonate *δ*18O vs age
Lets visualize the carbonate *δ*18O VPDB time series:
```{r, label = "Figure1"}
# Convert d18O VSMOW values to the VPDB scale
# Calculate the errors
DH_d18O_VPDB_err1 = to_VPDB(DH_d18O_VSMOW + DH_d18O_err)
DH_d18O_VPDB_err2 = to_VPDB(DH_d18O_VSMOW - DH_d18O_err)
# Plot the results
plot(0, type = "l" , las = 1, xaxs = "i", xaxt = "n",
ylim = c(-17.5, -14.5),
xlim = c(0, 570),
ylab = expression(delta ^ 18 * "O"[calcite] * " (‰, VPDB)"),
xlab = "Age (ka)")
# Set up the x axis with ticks and labels
axis(1, at = seq(0, 570, by = 90))
axis(1, at = seq(0, 570, by = 10), labels=NA)
# Add the error interval the plot
polygon(c(DH_age, rev(DH_age)), c(DH_d18O_VPDB_err1, rev(DH_d18O_VPDB_err2)),
col="wheat", border = NA)
# Add the carbonate d18O VPDB time series to the plot
lines(DH_age, DH_d18O_VPDB, lwd=2, col="gray10")
## Calculate growth temperatures from *∆*47
```{r, label = "Figure2"}
# Convert D47 values into temperatures using the equation in Fiebig et al. (2021)
DH_temp = temp_D47(DH_D47, DH_D47_err, eq = "Fiebig21")
DH_temp_mean = mean(DH_temp$temp)
DH_temp_err = mean(DH_temp$temp_err)
# Plot the results
plot(0, type = "l", las = 1, xaxt = "n", xaxs = "i",
ylim = c(28, 38),
xlim = c(0, 570),
ylab = "Temperature (°C)",
xlab = "Age (ka)")
# Set up the x axis with ticks and labels
axis(1, at = seq(0, 570, by = 90))
axis(1, at = seq(0, 570, by = 10), labels = NA)
# Add mean error range
rect(0, DH_temp_mean - DH_temp_err,
570, DH_temp_mean + DH_temp_err,
col = "wheat", border = NA)
# Add error bars
segments(DH_D47_age, DH_temp$temp - DH_temp$temp_err,
DH_D47_age, DH_temp$temp + DH_temp$temp_err, col = "gray50")
# Add points
points(DH_D47_age, DH_temp$temp, col = "gray10", pch = 19)
## Groundwater *δ*18O versus age
The calculated clumped isotope temperatures for the samples are statistically indistinguishable, which allows us to calculate a mean groundwater temperature and use that to reconstruct the variations in groundwater *δ*18O.
```{r, label = "Figure3"}
# Calculate groundwater d18O values and its error
DH_d18O_gw = d18O_H2O(
temp = DH_temp_mean,
d18O_c_VSMOW = DH_d18O_VSMOW,
min = "calcite",
eq = "Coplen07")
DH_d18O_gw_err_low = d18O_H2O(
temp = DH_temp_mean + DH_temp_err,
d18O_c_VSMOW = DH_d18O_VSMOW - DH_d18O_err,
min = "calcite",
eq = "Coplen07")
DH_d18O_gw_err_high = d18O_H2O(
DH_temp_mean - DH_temp_err,
DH_d18O_VSMOW + DH_d18O_err,
min = "calcite",
eq = "Coplen07")
# Plot the results
plot(0, type = "l", las = 1, xaxt = "n", xaxs = "i",
ylim = c(-16, -12),
xlim = c(0, 570),
ylab = expression(delta ^ 18 * "O"[groundwater] * " (‰, VSMOW)"),
xlab = "Age (ka)")
# Set up the x axis with ticks and labels
axis(1, at = seq(0, 570, by = 90))
axis(1, at = seq(0, 570, by = 10), labels = NA)
# Add the error interval the plot
polygon(c(DH_age, rev(DH_age)), c(DH_d18O_gw_err_low, rev(DH_d18O_gw_err_high)),
col = "wheat", border = NA)
# Add the carbonate d18O time series to the plot
lines(DH_age, DH_d18O_gw, lwd = 2, col = "gray10")
```{r, include = FALSE}
#> Reset to the user's options and parameters.